martedì 12 aprile 2011

The future of the (art) press

In molti si stanno domandando che fine sta facendo la carta stampata: la Rete stessa sta dando delle risposte anche nel campo artistico.

The debate relating the press future is getting more and more attention also in Italy where the audience of the press is the same of the 30's years!

italian art lifestyle and entertainment magazine
Also in the art field many paper-based publishing initiatives are facing many difficulties while there are a lot of emerging digital ones getting more and more attention.

One example is the italian art lifestyle and enertainment magazine Daring To Do whose audience is growing every day: tablet and any kinds of monitor seems really the next scenario for every kind of newspress...

Daring to Do rappresenta  un esempio pratico di come (anche) il mondo dell'arte si rapporti sempre più naturalmente al mondo del Web e della comunicazione digitale piuttosto che a quello della carta stampata.

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